服务项目 |
2018上海皮革展,2018上海人造革展,2018上海鞋材展,2018上海鞋配件展 |
面向地区 |
展会类型 |
国内展 |
材质 |
塑料 |
工艺 |
其它 |
展会周期 |
一年一次 |
时间:2018年6月21-23日 地点:上海光大会展中心
海外组展:意大利康利进出口公司 日本ISF事务局 韩中经济交流协会
1 皮革合成革展区:天然皮革、服装革、鞋面革、沙发革、箱包革、汽车家具用革、合成革(PU/PVC)、人造革、裘皮、原皮毛皮、毛料、皮革面料、皮革基布、皮革化工、皮化原料材料、、半成品、皮革制品、皮革服装、裘皮服装、皮革面料辅料、半成品、拉链、五金配件等
2 皮革机械、鞋机展区:各种皮革机械、皮革加工设备(雕刻机/打标机/切割机)、铲皮机刀带、箱包机械、注塑设备、聚氨酯机械、缝制设备及零配件、缝前缝后整(处)理设备,电脑辅助设备及制鞋生产线等。
3 鞋材、鞋料展区:鞋材鞋料、鞋模、鞋楦、鞋衬、鞋样、配套材料、鞋用装饰品、CAD/CAM系统等。
4 其它展区:各类皮革进口商、代理商、批发商、家具制造商、服装厂、贸易公司等
展 馆 1.改装展位 2.标准展位 3.光地(36m2起租)
外资企业 30000元/9m2 22000元/9m2 2200元/ m2
国内企业 13800元/9m2 10800元/9m2 1000元/ m2
地址:上海市松江区莘砖公路518号34幢702-703室 邮编:201612
电 话:86-21-33730795
传 真:86-21-51714666
联系人:刘洋 823072847
2018上海皮革展订展热线联系电 话:86-21-33730795
2018上海皮革展订展热线传 真:86-21-51714666
2018上海皮革展订展热线 2355889578
时间:2018年3月1日至5日 地址:上海新国际博览中心
2018 Shanghai Leather Fair, /2018 Shanghai artificial leather exhibition, /2018 Shanghai shoes material, shoes exhibition / China Leather Fair / Asia Leather Fair
Fifteenth 2018 Shanghai international leather, synthetic leather and synthetic leather exhibition
Time: June 2018 21-23, venue: Shanghai Everbright Convention and Exhibition Center
2018 Shanghai International Leather Fair booking hotline:
Organizer: Shanghai Leather Technology Association
Overseas exhibition: Italy Kangli Import & Export Company Japan ISF Bureau Korea China Economic Association
1 leather synthetic leather exhibition: natural leather, garment leather, shoe leather, sofa leather, luggage leather, furniture leather, synthetic leather car (PU/PVC), artificial leather, fur, leather, wool, leather raw fur leather fabric, leather fabric, leather chemical, leather chemical materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, leather products leather, fur clothing, leather clothing, fabric accessories, semi-finished products, zipper, hardware accessories etc.
2 leather machinery, shoe exhibition: all kinds of leather machinery, leather processing equipment (engraving machine / marking machine / cutting machine), shovel paper machine belt cutter, bag machinery, injection molding equipment, polyurethane machinery, sewing equipment and spare parts, sewing the front seam finishing equipment (Department), computer auxiliary equipment and footwear production line.
3 shoes, shoes material exhibition: shoes shoes, shoe mold, shoe, shoe, shoe lining, supporting materials, shoes accessories, CAD/CAM system etc..
4 other exhibition areas: all kinds of leather importers, agents, wholesalers, furniture manufacturers, garment factories, trading companies, etc.
participation fee
Pavilion 1. converted booth 2., standard booth 3. light ground (36m2 rent)
Foreign enterprise 30000 yuan, /9m2 22000 yuan, /9m2 2200 yuan / m2
Domestic enterprises 13800 yuan, /9m2 10800 yuan, /9m2 1000 yuan / m2
Shanghai elegance Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Address: room 34, building 518, Xin brick road, 702-703, Shanghai, Songjiang District: 201612
Telephone: 86-21-33730795
Fax: 86-21-51714666
Contact person: Liu Yang 823072847
2018 Shanghai Leather Fair Exhibition hotline Tel: 86-21-33730795
2018 Shanghai Leather Fair booking hotline: 86-21-51714666
2018 Shanghai Leather Fair Exhibition hotline contact: Liu Yang
2018 Shanghai Leather Fair booking exhibition hotline 823957
Exhibition plan:
Twenty-eighth 2018 China East China Import and Export Fair
Time: March 1, 2018 to 5, address: Shanghai New International Expo Center
2018 - Shanghai Fair booth reservation